Activity 1: Match the English terms with the correct French term.
1. aged care facility | a) gestes barrières |
2. live attenuated vaccine | b) muter |
3. messenger RNA (mRNA) | c) pathologie sous-jacente |
4. mutate | d) hésitation à la vaccination |
5. preventative measures | e) vaccin vivant atténué |
6. side effect | f) établissement d'hébergement pour personnes âgées dépendantes |
7. underlying health condition | g) ARN messager |
8. vaccine hesitancy | h) effet indésirable |
Activity 2: Complete the definitions using the terms from the vocabulary list.
- _____________________: a delay in accepting or refusing a vaccine despite its availability. There are several reasons why a person may decide not to be vaccinated including complacency and lack of confidence.
- _____________________: also called a care home or nursing home. A residential home where elderly people who need support and assistance with their personal care live.
- _____________________: A range of measures which aim to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. The measures include frequent handwashing, cough etiquette (coughing into the elbow), maintaining social distance (at least 1m apart), wearing a mask and isolating at home if symptoms develop.
- _____________________: a chronic or long-term illness that weakens a person’s immune system.
- _____________________: undergo a genetic change. This is an important function for viruses if they are to survive.
- _____________________: one of the types of RNA usually found in cells which carries genetic information from DNA to make proteins which treat or prevent disease.
- _____________________: type of vaccine which contains a weakened and therefor harmless form of a whole bacterium or virus. A pathogen cannot cause disease because it has been genetically modified to be safe.
- _____________________: secondary and sometimes undesirable effect of a drug or treatment
Activity 3: Complete the short text about vaccine hesitancy using the terms below.
- vaccine hesitancy
- complacent
- inconvenient
- side effects
- laboratory-developed
- vaccination
- confidence
- mandatory
Reading: COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: what to say to allay patients’ concerns from
Vaccine hesitancy
Many people feel that the development of a COVID-19 vaccine is the only hope of controlling the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, however, some are hesitant about taking up the offer of vaccination and a small percentage of the population have stated they will refuse vaccination.
A University of Oxford study into (1) ______________________ in relation to the COVID-19 vaccine found that 16% felt very unsure, and 12% said they were likely to avoid or delay (2) ___________________. More concerning was the discovery that ‘one in five people thought vaccine data are fabricated, according to the study published in December’.
Suspicion of vaccination, not only Covid-19 vaccination, has become easier to stir up using social media sites, some of which convey conspiracy theories regarding the newer types of (3) _______________________ vaccines such as the viral vector and messenger RNA vaccines.
There are several reasons why people may feel reticent about agreeing to be vaccinated. Some people are (4) ________________ – say they can’t be bothered or just don’t want to think about Covid-19 or its consequences. Other people say getting vaccinated is (5)___________ - they have transport difficulties or the vaccination venue is too far away. Finally, some people lack (6) ______________ in the vaccine – they feel the vaccine might not be safe because they think it was developed too quickly and without adequate safety measures.
The RCN (Royal College of Nurses) has encouraged nurses be vaccinated to protect themselves and the wider community but does not support (7) _________________ vaccination of healthcare workers as it claims that forced vaccination is not effective. On the other hand, nurses are expected to be ready to discuss vaccine programmes including the vaccine’s mode of action, its development and any (8) _________________ patients might experience after vaccination.
Activity 4: Talking to patients about what to expect after a Covid-19 vaccination
Watch the video and answer the questions
- What does the patient ask the nurse about?
- What side effects (4) might the patient experience?
- What should the patient take if she has pain after the vaccination?
- What does the nurse suggest the patient do, if she feels tired?
- If the patient has a fever after the vaccination, does it mean she has Covid-19?
- What drug is kept in an anaphylaxis pack to treat a severe allergic reaction?
Watch the video again and check your answers.
Patient: Nurse, will I have any problems after the vaccination today?
Nurse: Some people have mild side effects which are similar to side effects which can happen after many other vaccinations. They are caused by your immune system starting to respond to the vaccine.
Patient: What sort of things should I look out for?
Nurse: It’s quite common to have some tenderness in your upper arm where the vaccine is injected. Some vaccines also produce redness and swelling over the site of the injection.
Patient: I see.
Nurse: You might get a headache and your muscles may feel sore too. You can take simple painkillers like paracetamol for this. Most people find that’s enough to relieve their aches and pains.
Patient: All right. I’ll do that.
Nurse: Many people say that they feel very tired after having their vaccination. If this happens, just make sure that you rest and take it easy for a couple of days and it shouldn’t be a problem.
Patient: Yes, I think I heard something about that. I’ll try not to overdo things after I have my vaccination.
Nurse: That’s good. Another thing that may happen is that your temperature may go up and you may have a fever. That’s a temperature of over 37.5 degrees.
Patient: Oh right. Does that mean I have Covid-19 and have to self-isolate?
Nurse: No, not necessarily. If the fever starts within 48 hours of the vaccination and goes away within a day or two, there is nothing to be concerned about. Of course, if you have other Covid-19 symptoms or live with someone who has just tested positive for Covid-19 then you must self-isolate.
Patient: What about severe reactions? I’m a bit worried about that.
Nurse: A severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis is very rare, however, before anyone has their vaccination, they are asked if they’ve had a reaction to any vaccine or ingredients of a vaccine before. If they have, vaccination is not recommended. In any case, an anaphylaxis pack containing adrenaline is on hand wherever vaccinations are given and staff are trained to use it.
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Virginia ALLUM Author and Consultant in English for Medical Purposes
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