Ce cours d’anglais, élaboré par Virginia Allum, auteur et consultante EMP (English for Medical Purposes) traite de la coloscopie. Les corrigés des exercices sont à retrouver en PDF en bas de page. N'hésitez pas à vous servir du dictionnaire en ligne Wordreference. Vous trouverez à la fin de cet article les corrections des exercices qui vous sont proposés téléchargeables au format pdf.
Activity 1
Match the English term with the correct French term.
1. blood donation | a) le mode de vie |
2. health screening | b) la journée mondiale du don de sang |
3. human t-lymphotropic virus (HTLV) | c) volontaire |
4. blood donor | d) donneur de sang de remplacement familial |
5. World Blood Donor Day | e) le don du sang |
6. voluntary | f) le donneur de sang |
7. lifestyle | g) le dépistage de santé |
8. family replacement donor | h) le virus humain T-lymphotrope |
Activity 2
Complete the definitions using terms from activity
- The ____________________ raises awareness of safe blood and blood products.
- A person’s ___________ is a person’s typical manner of living.
- A _________________ is someone who gives blood for a person who needs it because of illness or after an operation.
- ________ : describes something which is done or given willingly and without payment.
- A __________________________ is a person who donates blood to replace the blood used by a family member.
- ________________________ is the action of drawing blood to be used as a transfusion to someone else.
- Patients undergo ______________ in order to identify health conditions they may be at risk of developing.
- _______________________ is a retrovirus that can cause a type of adult leukaemia.
Activity 3
Read the text and answer the questions.
World Blood Donor Day 2022
Blood Donation
The World Blood Donor Day 2022 focusses on blood donation as a selfless act which helps to save lives. In most developed countries blood donation is voluntary, although donors in the United States, Germany and Austria are renumerated for their blood donations.
Voluntary donors are carefully screened during a selection process and must disclose details of their lifestyles. It is suggested that this type of donation is safer than paid donation and also prevents the growth of black markets in blood delivery which carry significant risks.
It is very important that blood supplies are consistent and in sufficient quantities to address patient needs. It might be assumed that paying for blood donations is a reliable way of ensuring a steady flow of blood whenever it is needed, however, it has been found that altruism is a better motivator and results in a sustainable supply of blood products. In fact, the WHO has discovered that in countries where voluntary blood donation has increased, there is an upward trend in regular donors.
Volunteer donors are not only motivated by a sense of community need during ordinary times but also step forward to donate blood in times of crisis when blood donation is needed most.
In contrast, blood donors who are paid may feel exploited, especially if they are struggling financially and rely on payment for their blood donations. They may even offer to give blood when it is not heathy for them to do so.
Another type of blood donor is the family replacement donor who donates blood at the request of a family member to replace a blood donation the family member has already received. This type of donor may feel pressured to donate more blood than they should to support a family member who may fear that they will not get the blood they need otherwise. Donors in a family replacement system may be threatened with being ostracized by their family if they refuse to donate blood.
- What is the text about?
A categories of blood donors
B reasons for blood donation
C cost of blood donation
- Blood donations are
A best taken from family members
B not paid for in most countries
C part of a screening process
- One of the risks of paid blood donation is
A cross-contamination of blood
B over-supply of blood
C the rise of an illegal market for blood
- The family replacement system can result in
A the blood of a family member being changed with your own
B family members feeling forced to help their sick relatives
C genetic diseases being passed on through transfusion
Activity 4
What is the focus of World Blood Donor Day 2022?
Make a poster to illustrate activities which are planned for the campaign.
- 1. What type of drug is it and what is the drug used for?
- 2. When was the drug approved for use in Europe and the UK?
- 3. What other diseases are being treated with gene therapy?
- https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/medicines/human/EPAR/libmeldy
- https://www.england.nhs.uk/2022/02/nhs-to-roll-out-life-saving-gene-the…)
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Virginia ALLUM Author and Consultant in English for Medical Purposes
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